Pečená makrela a tzatziki z červené řepy

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na porce

  • Because mackerel is oily, it can also benefit from being cooked on a ridged griddle pan over a very high heat to char it slightly. This would work well with the sweet and sour tzatziki
  • Ingredients
  • raw beetroot 2
  • tbsp grated fresh horseradish (or use grated horseradish from a jar) 1
  • garlic clove, crushed 1
  • tbsp chopped dill 1
  • tbsp chopped mint 1
  • 150g/5oz Greek-style yoghurt
  • tsp cumin seeds, dry-roasted and ground 2
  • lemon, juice only 1
  • x 350g/12oz mackerel, filleted 2
  • tbsp chopped parsley 2
  • freshly ground black pepper


1 1. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.
2 2. Cook the beetroot in boiling salted water until tender, then drain. When cool enough to handle, peel the beetroot and grate it into a bowl.
3 3. Add the horseradish, garlic, herbs, yoghurt, half the ground cumin, half the lemon juice and some black pepper. Mix well, then set aside.
4 4. Put the mackerel fillets on a baking tray lined with lightly oiled greaseproof paper and season with black pepper. Bake for 4-5 minutes, until the flesh turns opaque and flakes easily.
5 5. Transfer the fillets to warm serving plates and sprinkle over the parsley and the remaining cumin and lemon juice. Serve immediately with the beetroot tzatziki.


Flash-baked mackerel with beetroot tzatziki

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