Creole Cajun Seasoning

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na porce

  • teaspoon garlic chips 1
  • teaspoon onion flakes freshly ground 1
  • teaspoon celery seed freshly ground 1
  • teaspoons paprika 2
  • teaspoons chili powder deluxe 2
  • teaspoon cayenne--more if you like it really hot 0,5
  • teaspoon red chili peppers new mexican 0,5
  • teaspoon black pepper coarsely ground 1
  • teaspoon salt 1


1 I usually use garlic and onion flakes, black or gourmet mix peppercorns, and celery seed and grind them together in a spice, pepper mill, or a hand-powered coffee mill (this one gives the best control over the texture of the grind).
2 Combine all spices thoroughly. Store in a tight container.

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